Sunday 6 January 2013

Making Sculpture Using Sugar Pastillage

Not realized, actually i'm already on week 5 of my last semester. Haha and for our third product, pastillage. First time hearing it i was blurred and don't even know what is that pastillage. Sir Azrul told us it is actually a dough of icing sugar and gelatin.
pastillage dough recipe
 and I was Ohhh. But still what it can do? So he said this dough is used to make a sculpture because after a several hours, it may become hard but it can be easily break if thin. So our patience is really important and  also our creativity to makes our ow Pastillage Sculpture ...
Sketch of our pastillage
As you can see above, that is our sketch and inspired by this picture that was found on google...

Yeah we only take the idea from the flower and give it a new looked and mix it with our idea. Though it was just our first time but we take risk in making something seem hard...

pastillage dough

It must keep seal because if not. it will dried become hard and wasted because cannot be shape...

Fazrul thin the dough using
pastry roller to get the ideal thickness
for every part of our sculpture.
Our skyscrapers & couple
Leafs for flower
For our first time, this steps take our time for whole 8hours of class. Then wait it harden for next week arrangement. Yeah glue time ~
Haidhar checked whether their product break o not
Then after we confirm it harden and strong enough to get assemble. We discuss and then we realized something that it won't be like our sketch. Totally ! so by keeping it the original concept. First we assemble the flower and leafs...
Our first design after assembled
Then we remembered that we have the couple and another two skyscraper. We change our design a bit but keep its hero which is the flower, thank to Fazrul giving the great idea. By using the skyscraper behind, we used it as base so it will become either unique or risky.
Finished product
As expected it beautiful and Alhamdulillah it finish. About 3 week. ^^


  1. Serius, this is sick.
    It was totally nice bro.
    Aku suke kalo ade mcm rmbut2 tu.
    It makes the statue more blooming out.
    Good try.

  2. sick why? Hahaha. yelah. 1st time bt then wait for a week.
    all broken loll. then make for 2nd time. bru ok. Hahahaha. n this is so hard u know. but i like it ! n what "rambut2" ? do you meant the inspired picture? Hehe thank

  3. Lawa sngt la mksd sick tu.hehe
    Ya2, exactly.
    Mcm dlm gambar tu la mksd aku.
    It gives the pastillage a bit blooming from the outside.
    At first, i thought u guys yg make it.
    Then i read the sentence twice. It was from google rupenye.
    Kalau korang yg buat kat lam gmbr tu.
    Besok aku nak mintak ajar dha.haha
    Welcome, glad to help.

    1. Hahaha. why not? tomorrow we've our last class.
      Ouh yeah nicey kn. the flower i really like !

  4. Cantik menarik best kreatif !. kbye :D

  5. ambuihhh da ada lagu. dah maju ke depan. ni yg rasa nak buat blog ni :D keep it up haidhar :)

    1. music, bkn lagu. yeahh. need to be creative

  6. wauu lucky you guys , i studies in msu college but we didn't have the chances to do thissssss T-T
